Transform Your Business using Blockchain

Blockchain is a strategic approach to innovating workflows and business models. Blockchain increases trust, reduces friction, eliminates intermediaries, and accelerates business to increase business value. Our certified team brings extensive experience to architect, build, test, secure and operate solutions that help blockchain adopters succeed.

Transform Your Business using Blockchain

Blockchain is a strategic approach to innovating workflows and business models. Blockchain increases trust, reduces friction, eliminates intermediaries, and accelerates business to increase business value.

Leverage Our Capabilities

Key Strengths

Deep expertise in Enterprise Blockchain Adoption and Solution Implementation

Prebuilt components, frameworks and tooling to accelerate project delivery and improve ROIs

Production solutions in multiple domains: Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Transportation, Logistics, Banking and Trade Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, Retail, Government and Procurement

Expertise in Consortium Building and Governance

Blockchain Platforms we work on

Blockchain Solutions Provide Unparalleled Supply Chain Visibility

Blockchain consulting solutions set a new standard by offering simplified integration and more real-time information than prior options like VANs, GDS services, and cloud hubs… all without having to pay and trust a third party.

Our Blockchain Consulting Services Produce Rapid Turnaround Times

Blockchain consulting solutions set a new standard by offering simplified integration and more real-time information, all without having to pay a trusted third party.

Chainyard’s blockchain consulting team uses a growing set of solution accelerators. We’ve developed and tested the common building blocks needed in most blockchain projects. Our accelerators include:

  • Secure and resilient off-chain document management
  • Configurable state tracking engine for physical and virtual assets
  • Framework for self-managed identity
  • Interfaces to common enterprise messaging systems
  • Project kicker tool to spin up an initial network with all of go chaincode, NodeJS endpoints and a sample Swagger UI tied up with a network of organizations, peers and CA
  • Block Chain Network Engineering(BCNE) tool accelerates deployment of blockchain applications by automating network setup and easing network management and governance

Chainyard’s blockchain accelerators allow us go from concept to complete proof in as little as six weeks. This includes a discovery workshop, solution design, development, and testing. We quickly build a solution that forms the foundation for a full business network.

Do you have a business integration project? Do you want to use the most efficient technology and minimize operational costs? Contact us for more details on how a blockchain-based solution can help.

Comprehensive and watertight Software License Management (SLM) with blockchain

Comprehensive and watertight Software License Management (SLM) with blockchain.Software license management (SLM) ensures that the software licenses in use are valid,

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Trust Your Supplier (TYS)

Building a blockchain network and a consortium to transform supplier on-boarding and maintenance process for enterprises.

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A blockchain-based distributed ledger platform for health insurance benefits and ledger process

A blockchain-based distributed ledger platform for health insurance benefits and ledger process.Transformed the health insurance benefits and claims processes with a blockchain-based technology platform Provider

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